Lethal league latch skins
Lethal league latch skins

I now know that’s not really how the matchmaking system works but Hindsight is 20/20. I was really discouraged by that because to me it meant that I was even farther from the #1 rank player and I really wanted to see the high ranked players of this game because I think it’s a cool game. When I went to my job the next day my rank was #198 or #199 and I was really proud of myself (in season 1 there were no divisions, just numbers), until I went on my break and saw my rank go down to #420 and when I got off work and got home it was somewhere in the #700s. I only wanted to play for a bit because it was quite late (I think the game was released late at night on Steam), but I ended up getting really into it and became really attached to my rank. I remember Playing it the day it came out and beating the entire story mode in one night and then playing ranked. I never played in any tournaments but really enjoyed the core premise and was really exited for Blaze. My friend AEM was the biggest influence, him and I really like watching jerma985’s youtube videos and when we saw Lethal League it stood out to me. If that’s true then I don’t mind being the SoCal-thrower. I think that the fact that I had so much success and notoriety gained from my grab-orientated play-style encouraged other players to be more experimental and take more risks with not only grabs but other aspects of their game play. Most of the time we would just try things out for the sake of trying new things and seeing what we could get away with. One of those friends was Taternater who went by “PoonWrangler420”, and because of our matches together we came to learn the game and it’s nuances in a very unorthodox atmosphere. I first played this game with my friends who had also enjoyed the first game although we played at what would probably be considered a casual level. It’s really strange to think that I’ve somehow defined a region or shaken a meta game as that was never my intention.

lethal league latch skins

I’ve been called the SoCal-thrower by a lot of people, I like this name as well. It’s funny too, when I go to fighting game tournaments and hear TO’s call out names like CaptainXAwsome, 5mi, shake n bake, and Ur-naked grandma. I like it though, it’s short and to the point. My friend Looked at me one day and started calling me Scooter, I wish there was a better story like I used to ride Scooters and did cool tricks but no they just started calling me Scooter.

lethal league latch skins

Scooter, a nickname my friends gave me in highschool. SoCal thrower, professional Lethal League Blaze tourney attendee and player

Lethal league latch skins